Re: Problems with Strings

> long start[MAX_DIMS] = {0, 0};
> long count[MAX_DIMS] = {2, 30};
> ncvarget(cdfid, start, count, &value);
> After this operation value contains the data in this way:
> <string1><string2>, e.g. JohnPaul
> So, how can I know which part is the first string and which is the second.
> There is no delimiter set, and I only know that the max. string length is 30.

In the C language, strings are terminated with ASCII NUL (ASCII value 0).
NULs are invisible, so it's possible that the contents of value could be

If this guess is correct, then e.g. strcpy(value[0],string1) 
and strcpy(value[1],string2) should copy John and Paul separately.


   William Weibel                           weibel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   UCLA Department of Atmospheric Sciences  Tel. (310)206-4441       \\\\/
   Los Angeles, CA  90095-1565              Fax  (310)206-5219        O-O
   U.S.A.                                                              |
   'Why,' said the Dodo, 'the best way to explain it is to do it.'
                                Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
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