Using the "old" fortran jackets with netcdf-3.1a

Happy Monday, gang.

At the end of this message find a patch to netcdf-3.1a/src/libsrc/v2i.c
which allows the use of the version 2.4.x "fortran jackets"
with the netcdf-3 C code core. You would only need to apply this
patch if you have existing netcdf FORTRAN code which you want
to link against netcdf-3.1. This patch has been incorporated
into the distribution in

Here is one way to use netcdf-3.1 library with the netcdf-2.4 

        run configure using the same parameters in both this release
                and netcdf-2.4.x

        Build (make) and test (make test) both releases.

        In the netcdf-2.4 src directory, 'make clean'.
        Move libsrc out of the way, and make a link to the
        libsrc directory of netcdf-3.1a.

        In the netcdf-2.4 src directory, 'make test' again and
        'make install'.

This installs a 3.1 netcdf library that includes the v2.4 'jackets.o'
module. It also builds 'ncdump' and 'ncgen' using the 3.1 library.

You could also try simply "extracting" jackets.o from your netcdf-2.4
library and adding it to the netcdf-3 libnetcdf.a.

I don't have a timetable for full netcdf-3.1 release.
Figure minimum of a month, possibly quite a bit longer.


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