Re: New version of Ncview released: 1.65

Dear Dave,

> I've released a new version of Ncview, the X-windows utility that lets you
> quickly and easily see color contour images, movies, and plots of the
> contents of netCDF-format files just by pointing and clicking.  This is a
> fairly substantial change from the last version, and I suggest that all users
> upgrade to the new version.  If you're not a user, but you have data in
> netCDF format, I suggest you give Ncview a try!  It is extremely handy for
> getting an overview of what is in your file. 

Thank you for the news, I'll certainly give it a try. Any plans or a
pc/mac version of the software? This would be handy for shiping along
with data on a CDROM.




   |                                                                      |
   |             ^|^                ARLINDO MORAES DA SILVA, JR.          |
   |              |                 Data Assimilation Office, Code 910.3  |
   |             _|_                NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center      |
   |      @  ___|___|__             Greenbelt, MD 20771                   |
   |     _|_|__________|_______/                                          |
   |    \  o o o o o o o  /         Office: (301) 805-7959                |
   |     \_______________/             FAX: (301) 805-7960                |
   |  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                            |
   | E-mail: dasilva@xxxxxxxxxxxxx    Home: (301) 754-1121                |
   |                                                                      |

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