> I was wondering if there was any way in the netCDF standard to have a 2-d dim-
> ension grid, ie, N "coordinates" each of which is a lat-lon pair, and then
> each
> field is defined on that grid.
Yes, I did something like this for the UWM/COADS data set (see CDL
below). The problem is that no software appear able to read it
directly. In retrospect, I believe it was a mistake, we should have
adopted something like the COARDS conventions (which I don't whether it
existed back in 1990).
netcdf sst {
mon = 12 ;
npoint = 42164 ; // only ocean gridpoints
short mon(mon) ;
mon:long_name = "month" ;
short lat(npoint) ;
lat:long_name = "latitude of nth point" ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
lat:add_offset = -90.5f ;
lat:valid_range = 1s, 180s ;
short lon(npoint) ;
lon:long_name = "longitude of nth point" ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
lon:add_offset = -0.5f ;
lon:valid_range = 1s, 360s ;
short clm(mon, npoint) ;
clm:long_name = "1945-89 climatology for each month" ;
clm:units = "celsius " ;
clm:scale_factor = 0.0099999998f ;
clm:add_offset = 25.f ;
clm:valid_range = -3495s, 858s ;
// global attributes:
:source = "University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Version 1.06 of
02/11/93 " ;
:title = "sea surface temperature$" ;
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