Proposals for netCDF coordinate conventions


In order to keep track of the proposals and counter-proposals for netCDF
coordinate conventions, I've put together a new web page at

This is an attempt to provide very brief summaries of each proposal (one
or two sentences), and to organize comments by proposal.  I think it may
make it easier to follow the ongoing discussion than the hypermail
archive, where almost every message has the same subject.

I've had to use some judgment to decide which postings actually qualified
as "proposals", and I may have summarized some of these inaccurately in
an attempt to be concise.  If you have any corrections or suggestions
about a better organization for this information, please reply to me,
not the list.  




Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program


Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program

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