>Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 06:15:30 -1000
>From: Paul Wessel <pal.wessel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Linux
In the above message, you wrote:
> Ok, setting CPPFLAGS=-Df2cFortran works fine with Linux.
> Given the huge number of Linux users out there, it would seem reasonable
> to have the configure script do this automatically.
Linux isn't the problem. It's the particular combination of C and
Fortran compilers that determine the appropriate setting for the
CPPFLAGS environment variable. I've estimated that getting this right
in the configure script for all possible compiler combinations would
consume significant resources (for one thing, we would have to obtain
all possible compilers). Given that
1. The INSTALL file contains relevant examples;
2. We maintain a searchable archive of support inquiries; and
3. We maintain web pages on building and installation -- including
builds on systems we don't have;
4. We're working as hard as we can on too many things already;
then it's not cost-effective to spend the resources trying to automate
this one thing.
We realize that the view (and consequent opinions) can be different
from the user's side -- and that this is not unreasonable. We are,
however, working in a resource-deficient environment relative to the
tasks we've given ourselves.
Steve Emmerson <>