The netCDF Operators, or NCO, is a suite of programs known as
operators, which process netCDF files. The NCO homepage at has complete details and an online
User's Guide.
A new version of NCO, nco-1.1.34, is available. It has a new feature
some may find useful:
1999/07/03: ncatted now replaces missing values of variables whose
missing_value attribute is changed. When the internal floating point
representation of a missing value, e.g., 1.0e36, differs between
machines then netCDF files produced on those machines will have
incompatible missing values. ncatted now changes the missing_value
attribute and the missing data self-consistently. This allows the user
to change the missing values in files from different machines to a
single value so that the files may then be concatenated together with,
e.g., by ncrcat, without losing any information.
Charlie Zender Voice: (303) 497-1445, FAX: 497-1400
NCAR ACD & CGD E-mail: zender@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
P.O. Box 3000 URL:
Boulder CO 80307-3000 PGP: finger -l zender@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx