'nf_put_var_*' and UNLIMITED ; 'ncstat' status

Two questions I've gotten from colleagues:

1. "nf_put_var_real" doesn't work properly when one of the dimensions defined 
   for the field being "put" is NF_UNLIMITED, apparently. The solution was to 
   use "nf_put_vara_real", but the gotcha in using "nf_put_var_real" was no-
   where in the netCDF-3 documentation.

2. "ncstat" doesn't work on relatively vanilla netCDF files. I built it myself
   (SunOS 5.6, netCDF 3.4 and ncopers-1.2.1) and it reports the following error

   ncstat: ncopers: -1 is an invalid netCDF-ID

Gary Strand
strandwg@xxxxxxxx                         http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/ccr/strandwg

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