I have a quasi-solution with the Lahey-Fujitsu compiler.
I do not know if this will work with the "pure" Fujitsu compiler,
but here it goes:
I started with a precompiled rpm-file with the
netcdf-library for g77.
In the include file netcdf.inc, all external statemenst
are replaced with ml_external.
In my fortran code, all netcdf-calls must have a trailing
underscore (e.g. nf_def_dim_ instead of nf_def_dim).
Finally I link with the lg2c-library
(-L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/egcs-2.91.66 -lg2c in
my RedHat 6.0 installation)
The modification of the netcdf.inc-file I can live with,
but changing the code is not a satisfactory solution when
you use several other platforms.
(even if I have a Python script to do it automatically).
My feeling is that it should be possible to come up with
a better solution in the Lahey-Fujitsu case, and would
like to know if anybody has done it.
Bjørn Ådlandsvik
Bjørn Ådlandsvik
Institute of Marine Research Tel: +47 55 23 84 52
P.O.Box 1870 Nordnes Fax: +47 55 23 85 84
N-5817 Bergen E-mail: bjorn@xxxxxx