Further development of netcdf?

There was a shallow rumour here, that netcdf will not longer be
supported by unidata. Is this true, are there any dates?

If that's not true I apologize for making noise, 

Than another question. Is someone working at a XML mapping for
netcdf, or does someone know of a more general XML mapping for
scientific data , besides XSIL, which could be used with netcdf data?

__Janko Hauser < just a happy netcdf user >

  Institut fuer Meereskunde             phone: 49-431-597 3989
  Dept. Theoretical Oceanography        fax  : 49-431-565876
  Duesternbrooker Weg 20                email: jhauser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  24105 Kiel, Germany

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