concurrent write or read


I have following situation and then a question:
I have a model that I would like to run on a couple of workstations.
I would like to give each workstation a part of a grid to do
the simulation on.

Can I let under netCDF have all the simulations read and write from 
the same files?

So they all read the input from the same files and they all write
the output to the same files - in principle this could be possible
since all the simulations work on different parts of the whole
grid and do not depend on each other.

Anybody tried this? I would guess!
Thanks for all comments!

Jörg Kaduk                            Tel.: 1 650 325 1521 x 416
Carnegie Institution of Washington    FAX: 1 650 325 6857
Dept. of Plant Biology
260 Panama Street                     joerg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Stanford, CA 94305-1297               http://Jasper.Stanford.EDU/joerg/

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