The f90 netcdf interface is just a set of wrappers around the f77 calls. So
you still need to link to the f77 library. Or you can manually add the
compiled f90 object code to the libcdf.a file (which is what I do) and then
just link at compile time to the one file.
At 4:22 pm +0100 18/7/00, loew wrote:
>I'm new to netcdf and tried a lot without any success, so before giving
>up, i hope anybody knows help. And that's my problem:
>I'd like to generate netcdf files directly form a fortran 90 program
>running under Win Nt in Digital Visual Fortran 6.0.
>To do this, in a first step I tried compiling and linking netcdf.f90,
>netcdf-test.f90 and type-sizes.f90, where compiling works fine but
>linking always causes an errormessage like unresolved external symbol
>nf_delete@4 ...
>Does anybody know how to solve my problem, thanks for your help
>Bernhard Loew-Baselli, Austria
Dr. Glenn Carver, Senior Research Associate,
Centre for Atmospheric Science, Chemistry Dept., Cambridge University, UK
"I never think of the future, it comes soon enough"
- Albert Einstein