who knows if there is a bug in netcdf_file.f90, because of:
1) netcdf.inc comments nf_delete's ncid as of type character
2) netcdf_file.f90 nf90_delete's ncid is defined as of type integer and i
always got an error message as i wrote yesterday...
3) but defining nf90_delete's ncid as of type character gives no error
message any more! so my nf90_delete now is:
function nf90_delete(ncid)
character*(*),intent(in) :: ncid
integer :: nf90_delete
nf90_delete = nf_delete(ncid)
end function nf90_delete
any ideas?
ncdigest wrote:
> ncdigest Tuesday, July 18 2000 Volume 01 : Number 540
> Today's Topics:
> generate netcdf files from fortran programs
> Re: generate netcdf files from fortran programs
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 17:22:55 +0200
> From: loew <a8805192@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: generate netcdf files from fortran programs
> I'm new to netcdf and tried a lot without any success, so before giving
> up, i hope anybody knows help. And that's my problem:
> I'd like to generate netcdf files directly form a fortran 90 program
> running under Win Nt in Digital Visual Fortran 6.0.
> To do this, in a first step I tried compiling and linking netcdf.f90,
> netcdf-test.f90 and type-sizes.f90, where compiling works fine but
> linking always causes an errormessage like unresolved external symbol
> nf_delete@4 ...
> Does anybody know how to solve my problem, thanks for your help
> Bernhard Loew-Baselli, Austria
> a8805192@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2000 22:08:52 +0100
> From: Glenn Carver <Glenn.Carver@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: generate netcdf files from fortran programs
> The f90 netcdf interface is just a set of wrappers around the f77 calls. So
> you still need to link to the f77 library. Or you can manually add the
> compiled f90 object code to the libcdf.a file (which is what I do) and then
> just link at compile time to the one file.
> Glenn
> At 4:22 pm +0100 18/7/00, loew wrote:
> >I'm new to netcdf and tried a lot without any success, so before giving
> >up, i hope anybody knows help. And that's my problem:
> >
> >I'd like to generate netcdf files directly form a fortran 90 program
> >running under Win Nt in Digital Visual Fortran 6.0.
> >To do this, in a first step I tried compiling and linking netcdf.f90,
> >netcdf-test.f90 and type-sizes.f90, where compiling works fine but
> >linking always causes an errormessage like unresolved external symbol
> >nf_delete@4 ...
> >
> >Does anybody know how to solve my problem, thanks for your help
> >
> >Bernhard Loew-Baselli, Austria
> >a8805192@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> - --
> Dr. Glenn Carver, Senior Research Associate,
> Centre for Atmospheric Science, Chemistry Dept., Cambridge University, UK
> mailto:Glenn.Carver@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.atm.ch.cam.ac.uk/~glenn/
> "I never think of the future, it comes soon enough"
> - Albert Einstein
> ------------------------------
> End of ncdigest V1 #540
> ***********************