New IDL-based visualization and analysis tool for atmospheric

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Dear netCDF and IDL users:

HIPHOP is a widget based IDL application that largely facilitates the
visualization and analysis of 2D, 3D, and 4D atmospheric science data,
in particular
atmospheric tracer distributions and meteorological fields. 

Graphical output of (atmospheric model) data can be quickly generated in
a large number of different ways, including horizontal maps at selected
model or pressure levels, vertical north-south,
east-west, or slant cross-sections (including zonal averages), time
slices, animations, etc. It also allows mathematical operations on the
existing fields to generate new fields for furher analysis,
and it can be run as a batch application. 

The program handles data in netCDF, HDF and GRIB format. Interfaces to
other data formats (e.g. ASCII and binary data) can be added easily. 

Beginning with Version 4.0, it also supports the ability to overlay
meteorological fields on a number of different satellite images, and to
draw air parcel trajectories. 

Please have a look at the extensive HIPHOP WWW pages starting at

Good luck with the installation and please report any problems.


  Dr. Dominik Brunner                      ///--   --\\\
  Institute for Atmospheric Science        |  [*] [*]  |
  ETH Hoenggerberg HPP                    [|           |]
  Swiss Federal Institute of Technology    |    (_)    |
  CH-8093 Zurich                            \  \___/  /
  Switzerland                                \   _   / 
  E-mail dominik.brunner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Tel. +41-1-633 4012
  Fax  +41-1-633 1058


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