I am attempting to create a netCDf file to store some model output, and am
using a method that has worked for the past year. But now, the file I am
creating is very large (3 Gb), and there seems to be a problem.
Here's my method:
I have a CDL file in which I define the extents of the domain and all the
variables. I use the ncgen -o command to create a netCDF file based on the CDL
file. To test the "goodness" of the file created, I use the ncdump -c command.
This method works well for me if I am creating datasets that are smaller than
1.5 GB. However, I have just added more time step definitions to my CDL file,
and while it creates the netCDF file seemlessly, the ncdump -c command returns
an error.
I have even downloaded the latest version of the netCDf libraries
(netcdf-3.5-beta) in hope that it would solve the problem, but I have had no
I am puzzled, because if I modify the CDL file and decrease either the number
of variables, or the size of the domain, the resulting netCDF file "works".
Below is the error message from the ncdump -c command. If you could enlighten
me in any way on the matter, I would be most grateful. i would be glad to
supply my CDL file (but didn't want to bother you with an attachement unless
needed.) Thanks.
> ncdump -c OSU_YEAR_2D.nc
netcdf OSU_YEAR_2D {
londot = 75 ;
latdot = 50 ;
loncrs = 75 ;
latcrs = 50 ;
levela = 23 ;
levelb = 24 ;
levelc = 1 ;
time = 8760 ;
float GROUNDT(time, levelc, latcrs, loncrs) ;
double time(time) ;
time:time_origin = "01-JAN-1998:00:00:00" ;
time:units = "seconds" ;
time:point_spacing = "even" ;
// global attributes:
londot = ncdump: Invalid argument
Frederic Chagnon (617)253-5483
Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory 48-212
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge MA 02139