Lahey F95 issue

Dear NetCDF users,
are any of you using NetCDF with Lahey under Win32? I have the static libe compiled using Visual C++ as per the NetCDF alternative make and as per needed by LF95. However, even with ml_external in the routines are still "unresolved" Please advise.

                                                     TTFN  Dirk  =:>

|    Dirk Slawinski      |      The Centre for Water Research        |
|  Research Associate    |     University of Western Australia       |
|                        |                                           |
| PHONE:  +61 8 9380 2410  (CWR)                      ,-_|\          |
|   FAX:  +61 8 9380 1015  (CWR)                     /     \    ]]   |
| EMAIL:  slawinski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx           (Perth) *_,-._/   d")   |
|   WEB:           v    _(@)_ |

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