ncBrowse vesion 1.2 available

Announcing ncBrowse version 1.2.0
a graphical netCDF file browser
ncBrowse is a Java application (jdk1.2) that provides flexible, interactive
graphical displays of data and attributes from a wide range of netCDF data
file conventions.

Features include:
* Directly access remote netCDF files from the Web. Uses the HTTPClient library for connectivity.
* Designed to work with arbitrary netCDF files.
* Browses file using the EPIC and COARDS conventions.
* Provides a "tree" view of the netCDF file.
* Handles character variables.
* Handles dimensions without an associated variable.
* Uses sgt graphics to perform 1 and 2 dimensional cuts through data.
* Save to file single variable as a "cdl" text file.
* InstallAnywhere scripts for UNIX, Win32, and MacOS.
* Currently uses Java 2 and Swing.

New Features:
* Direct access of remote netCDF files from the Web. No server side cgi binary or script required. Only requires that the web server be HTTP/1.1 compliant. Uses the HTTPClient library.
* Open new local or remote file in new browser.
* SGT graphics improved. Lots of bug fixes and contouring added!
* Support of netCDF type "short" added.
* Dependence on VisualCafe "symantec" classes removed.
* Pop-up dialog for user feed back on possible "long" operations.

ncBrowse will run on any UNIX or Windows machine with a Java 2 (jdk1.2) virtual machine installed. Automated installation scripts are available for Windows and UNIX.

Additional information on ncBrowse and download instructions are available at .

Questions and suggestions should be directed to dwd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx. If you have problems reading a netCDF file with ncBrowse, please send me a copy of the file and I'll get ncBrowse to read it!

Thanks for your time,
Don Denbo

For more information on available Java software from the EPIC group see .

Donald W. Denbo    dwd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ph: (206) 526-4487   Fax: (206) 526-6744
Collaborative tools:
Netcdf Browser:
Scientific Java Graphics:
EPIC Oceangraphic Data Management:

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