Such a tool is part of the WDSS-II system:
Usage: topoBreak gtopo-prefix output-dir
eg: topoBreak /tmp/W100N40 /data/terrain
It allows you to write either the entire DEM
or just a part of the DEM as a netcdf file.
If you don't have WDSS-II, I can probably
get you the binary executable. Tell me your operating system.
On Thursday 30 May 2002 12:49 pm, Rorik Peterson wrote:
> Does someone have ready access to a program or script that will
> convert the binary GTOPO30 DEM data to a NetCDF file? Thanks.
> -----------------------------
> Rorik Peterson
> Research Engineer
> Remote Sensing Group
> Geophysical Institute
> University Alaska, Fairbanks
> Fairbanks, AK 99775
> PH: 907-474-1519
> FAX: 907-474-7290
> -----------------------------