A couple of people have asked about the possibility of a file checker for
conformance to the netCDF CF standard. As Brian Eaton said, such a utility is
being developed at present at the Hadley Centre as part of our contribution
to the EU PRISM project (a climate modelling infrastructure project), which is
using netCDF CF as its metadata standard.
If you're interested in trying this out when it's ready, we'd like to hear from
you: please send an email directly to me (jonathan.gregory@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) and
Ros Hatcher (rosalyn.hatcher@xxxxxxxxxxxxx).
Thanks very much.
Jonathan Gregory jonathan.gregory@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
phone +44 1344 854542 fax +44 1344 854898
Hadley Centre, Met Office, London Road, Bracknell, Berks., UK. RG12 2SY