Re: f90 netcdf with Digital Visual Fortran

At 8:48 PM +1000 13/8/02, Harvey.Davies@xxxxxxxx wrote:
Has anyone managed to compile the netcdf f90 interface using
Digital Visual Fortran under Windows?
  I'd be keen to know that as well as we only depend on the f77 
bindings with VF at present.  The f90 bindings compile fine with 
Lahey and Absoft, but we have yet to use them.  We still use the 
<cringe> f77 bindings for our f90 codes <shrug> "if it ain't broke 
don't fix it"  =:>
PS: I don't want to sound evil or mean, but VF is a lousy development 
compiler.  It allows too many "errors" and poor programming practices 
to compile and run. (eg:, divide by zeros are allowed even when 
trapped, array shape conformance is not honored etc etc etc)  It is 
getting better though.  We run our codes through Lahey and Absoft 
before allowing VF to compile executables for Windows.

Harvey Davies, CSIRO Atmospheric Research,
Private Bag No. 1, Aspendale 3195
E-mail: harvey.davies@xxxxxxxx
Phone: +61 3 9239 4556
  Fax: +61 3 9239 4444

                                              TTFN  Dirk  =:>

|     Dirk Slawinski       |   The Centre for Water Research   |
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