Hi Marcio,
> I´m trying to use a Modular Ocean Model (MOM 4) in a Cray Plataform.
> I compiled one module (to generate the grid) with these parameters:
> FC = f90
> LD = f90
> FFLAGS = -O2 -I/appl/local/unidata/include/
> LDFLAGS = -Wl"-Dpreset=nan $(LIBS)"
> LIBS = -L/appl/local/unidata/lib -lnetcdf -L/appl/local/unidata/lib
> -ludunits
> LIST = -O negmsgs -rs
> The files udunits.inc and netcdf.inc are in the
> /appl/local/unidata/include/ directory and netcdf and udunits librarys are
> in the /appl/local/unidata/ directory.
> I had succes to compile this module, but when I try to use the binary
> program to create a new grid, the following error message is displayed:
> $FMS_BIN_DIR/grid_generator > grid_output
> + /tmp/mom4_beta2/bin/grid_generator
> FATAL: NETCDF ERROR: Numeric conversion not representable
> In the MOM 4.0 users email list I didn´t have any help about this problem.
I'm not familiar with the MOM grid_generator program, but the error
message means a call was made to write a value that wouldn't fit into
the specified netCDF variable because of its type. For example, if
the program tries to store the integer 100000 into a netCDF variable
of type short, you would get this error, because a 16-bit short can't
hold numbers that big. Similarly, trying to store a large double
value like 1.0e+40 into a float variable would cause this error.
Russ Rew UCAR Unidata Program
russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://my.unidata.ucar.edu