thread safty on SGI

Has anyone running a multithreaded program seen problems on an SGI. Here is what I am doing...

I have a program that creates a lot of netCDF files. Various threads can be reading from any file but only one thread will ever be writing. Now, on the SGI, and only the, SGI data inside the netcdf lib get corrupted. I send in a valid record id for put_rec(data,id) and inside the lib this get set to some goofy value.

Am I breaking the standards for netcdf?? Or is this a bug. I have seen problems with thread safe I/O on the SGI in the past but I am not sure if this is the case here.

BTW, I am using the C++ version of this and I have tried many of the 3.5.1 beta versions. (Right now I am using beta 11)


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