Fw: reading netcdf files with borland builder c++ enviorement


I've send this mail to the incorrect List. I have the problem with Hdf
Seawif data.

Adrián Batista

 Adrian Batista Trenzado
 ULPGC Radioelectric System Group
 Gran Canaria, Spain

 phone: +35928452978

> Dear all,
> I am trying to compile netcdf code sourse on borland builder c++ to read
> perform Seawif data. I am a new user in this borland
> environment and I don't know how to compile true the code sourse to read
> netcdf data files.
> Do you have any ideas how should I proceed?
> Many thanks in advance.
> Adrián Batista
> ********************
> Adrian Batista Trenzado
> ULPGC Radioelectric System Group
> Gran Canaria, Spain
> phone: +35928452978
> ********************

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