Hi Jeff
The RFC proposes that the header will be saved as an attribute of compound type
with 3 fields, the last one being the comments.
other option would be to write each line as a single (string) attribute.
At 09:15 AM 2/6/2006, Jeff Mather wrote:
>I think the RFC is a good start.
>The largest gap I see in it is the way to deal with comments associated
>with non-COMMENT keywords. Here's an excerpt from a real-world file
>provided to us by a customer:
>FIBER = Off /The Fiber optic light
>INCAND = Off /The Incandescent light
>MONOCHR = On /The Monochrometer
>NEWPORT = On /The Newport three axis stage
>MIKRON = Off /The Mikron blackbody source
>SOLDER = Off /The Soldering iron
>BBSETPT = Unknown /The Setpoint of the Mikron Black Body
>BBTEMP = Unknown /The actual temp of the Mikron Black Body
>LAMBDA = 1440.0 nm /The monochromator wavelength
>ORDER = 1 /The order number of LAMBDA
>GRATING = 1200 g/mm, blazed at 500 nm /The monochromator grating
>MONFILT = Open /The position of the monochrometer filter wheel
>DSUB = 0.349 /value of the Detector substrate Bias
>VRESET = 0.086 /The reset voltage
>VBIASPWR= 3.247 /VBIASPOWER The pixel source-follower source voltage
>VBIASGTE= 2.368 /VBIASGATE The pixel source-follower bias voltage
>DRAIN = -0.0010 /The drain voltage
>VPULLA7 = 3.298 /The pull up voltage for output a7
>VPULLA15= 3.298 /The pull up voltage for output a15
>OUTWINA = 3.298 /not used
>VREF = 1.998 /The reference voltage
>VPULLA23= 3.298 /The pull up voltage for output a23
>VPULLA31= 3.298 /The pull up voltage for output a31
>VDDA = 3.247 /The analog positive power supply
>VDD = 3.247 /The digital postive power supply
> Created by the IDTL
>Where will the values after the slashes show up in the HDF5 files?
>Jeff Mather
>Image & Scientific Formats Team
>The MathWorks
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-hdfnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-hdfnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Behalf Of Pedro Vicente Nunes
>> Sent: Friday, February 03, 2006 11:03 AM
>> To: hdfnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx; netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: RFC for FITS to HDF5 Converter
>> RFC for FITS to HDF5 Converter
>> The HDF group at NCSA is seeking input regarding a FITS-to-HDF5
>> HDF5 is a general purpose library and file format for storing
>> data.
>> The current RFC (request for comments) for the converter is posted
>> http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/RFC/fits2h5/fits2h5.htm
>> We would particularly like feedback from HDF5 users and the FITS
>> regarding the preferred way to write the HDF5 file.
>> Your comments will be highly appreciated.
>> Thank you.
>> For more information about HDF5, see the following site:
>> http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu/
>> Pedro Vicente Nunes
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu
>> Office phone: (217)-265-0311
>> Cell phone: (217)-898-5470
>> pvn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Pedro Vicente Nunes
Office phone: (217)-265-0311
Cell phone: (217)-898-5470