Regarding g2clib, I've been working with it and found its API
reasonably easy to use for decoding, at least when compared to the
ECMWF grib_api code. The grib_api code, however, does have a nice
built-in parser for reading codetables and extracting information at
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Do y'all have a suggestion for Ed?
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 18:44:07 -0000
From: Shah, Saurin B <saurin.shah@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: saurin.shah@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To: Gerry Creager N5JXS <gerry.creager@xxxxxxxx>, Sastry, Srikanth
<sastry@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Kaustav Ghoshal <kghoshal@xxxxxxxx>, Shah,
Saurin Bipin <saurin782@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
I have used g2clib for GRIB2 files and it is really good. It has
routines to
write all 8 sections of a GRIB2 file, and also it has routines to
decode a
GRIB2 file. The code is well documented too.
The library can be found at
Perhaps I'm missing something obvious (woudn't be the first time), but
it seems that g2clib does not offer this capability (or does it, and I
just don't see it?). In looking at other GRIB2 decoders that make use
of g2clib, it seems that those developers had to write their own
methods for parsing/extracting info from codetables. True? If so, is
there anything folks can share (preferably C code -- I know of Jeff
Whitaker's python work and the Java decoder) that, given the info
extracted from g2clib's data structure about a GRIB2 file, can decode
text-based codetables?
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