Re: "Not a NetCDF file" & PV-Wave

Carlos Ordonez a écrit :
> Hello everybody.
> I am working with PV-Wave v7.51 on LINUX. From PV-Wave I can read 
> netCDF files created outside PV-Wave.
> However, I write netCDF files from PV-Wave that can be read by PV-Wave 
> but not with the ncdump utility. I get the error "Not a netCDF file".
> I have checked previous messages of this list and have tried to get 
> information from everywhere on the Internet. If I understand correctly 
> what I have read, PV-Wave embeds some HDF metadata in the netCDF files 
> and that is the reason why these files cannot be read by ncdump.
> I really need to create netCDF files that can be EASILY read by many 
> other people who are not working with PV-Wave. Does somebody  know a 
> solution for this problem with PV-WAVE? Or should I just give up and 
> switch from PV-Wave to other language (e.g. IDL, FORTRAN, ...) to 
> produce "real netCDF files"?
> Thanks a lot in advance for your help.
> C. Ordonez
We did have the problem years ago and the answer is yes PV-Wave don't 
use netcdf files.
In fact it only uses HDF4 files with HDF4 library.
This library has the netCDF interface and is able to read/write existing 
files but it *only creates HDF4 files* simulating netCDF metadata in HDF4.

The only way we did find to use pure netCDF files was to write our library
loaded by LINKNLOAD with PV-Wave procedures doing the interface.

In IDL you have the NetCDF V3 interface connected to the true netCDF library
so you can manipulate netCDF files for both reading and writing (and the
language is quite close to PV-Wave one).

Philippe Poilbarbe.
Philippe Poilbarbe      CLS Space Oceanography Division

        Parc technologique du canal
8-10, Rue Hermes
31520 Ramonville St-Agne

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