Re: [NetCDF] - The JAVA ucar.nc2.dataset package is equivalent to what in C++?

  • To: "Alion Sci" <alionsci@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [NetCDF] - The JAVA ucar.nc2.dataset package is equivalent to what in C++?
  • From: Russ Rew <russ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 13:42:57 -0700

> I just inherited some code that uses the Java [ucar.nc2.dataset]
> package. Now, my problem is that I need to translate this Java code
> into C++ code. However, I don't know what (or if) the equivalent
> library is in C++. Any ideas?

There is a C++ library for netCDF, but it's not equivalent to the Java
library.  The C++ library was written in about ten years ago, with
only relatively minor updates.  The Java library is under active
development and is the most advanced interface for netCDF use,
especially it's handling of NcML, reading other formats through a
Common Data Model interface, interpretation of coordinate systems, and
providing client access to netCDF data from OPeNDAP servers or HTTP
servers.  None of these capabilities are in the C++ interface, so if
your code uses them, some development will be required.

The latest C++ library is part of the netCDF source code:

and is documented here:



Russ Rew                                         UCAR Unidata Program

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