Getting pre-built libraries for NetCDF on Windows

NetCDF folk,

The  distribution of pre-built NetCDF libraries for Windows Iis very
useful, but I think it would benefit the community if the
distributions and documentation could be cleaned up a bit and the most
recent distribution clarified.

The web page that directs Windows folks to pre-built DLLs for NetCDF

points to a 3.6.1 beta1 file from 2005.

I then looked in the directory

and found 2 more recent distributions:

1. (March 7, 2006)

This distribution did not include a README to say what compilers it
was built with, and also did not include "netcdf.h" and ""

2. (Dec 8, 2006)

This distribution did not include a README to say how it was built (of
course the name implies that PGI compiler played some role, but it's
useful to know which version, and whether it was used both for C and
FORTRAN).  This distribution *did* include both "netcdf.h" and
"".    It also includes a netcdf.lib and a netcdf.dll, which
I guess means that it was not linked statically and that the
netcdf.dll would need to reside somewhere in the system path.  Is this
the latest/greatest that windows folks should use?


Dr. Richard P. Signell   (508) 457-2229
USGS, 384 Woods Hole Rd.
Woods Hole, MA 02543-1598

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