Netcdf is best for array data, usually on regularly spaced grids.
What is the shape, i.e. dimensionality, of your data? Your
description suggests that the data is streams of single values over
time. If so, I suspect that Netcdf is overly complicated and not
very suitable for your work.
How about a plain text columnar or delimited format, with each line
about as you described, and a few appropriate header lines in each
file? Nothing beats plain ascii text for portability.
--Dave A.
CU/CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center (CDC)
NOAA/ESRL/PSD, Climate Analysis Branch (CAB)
Magnus Hagdorn wrote:
Hello world,
we are currently considering to use the netCDF library to store data
coming from our instruments. The data represents multiple variables
together with a timestamp of the measurement. Some variables are updated
more often than others. Sample rates are of the order of 100Hz to
1000Hz. I was thinking of storing the data as a table with 3 columns,
timestamp, ID and value together with some appropriate header. Do you
think this is a reasonable idea, are there other more suitable standard
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