Announcement of resources for learning about netCDF


Some new resources for learning about netCDF are now available.

First is the "NetCDF for Developers Workshop", consisting of online
materials from a recent one-day workshop presented in Boulder:

We have also made a set of complete example programs available that
illustrate equivalent uses of netCDF from C, Fortran 77, Fortran 90,
C++, and Java:

(If developers of the Perl, Python, Ruby, MATLAB, IDL, Ada, or other
interfaces contribute equivalent examples for those interfaces, we
will consider also including them.)

Finally, Ed Hartnett has written "The NetCDF Tutorial" which also
discusses the examples.  It is included in the latest beta release and
also available online:

New users might find some or all of these resources useful.  As
always, we welcome suggestions for fixes or improvements.

--Ed and Russ

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