Hi Eric:
I know of some people who have read netcdf files fine,and others. I
am not very knowledgeable about Arc, but i know of other programs
that have trouble with time before 1902. Just out of curiosity, what
happens if you create the same file with a different base time?
Just a guess - I could be way off.
On Apr 26, 2007, at 3:51 PM, CJ Beegle-Krause wrote:
Hello Eric,
The only Arc GIS capability that I know of is through http://
Hope this helps. I've heard that netCDF capability will be native
in new releases.
Best regards,
Eric Salathé wrote:
We're trying to open netcdf files in ArcGIS 9.2 and running into
problems. Is anyone else working with netcdf in ArcGIS or run
into similar issues?
These are fairly basic netcdf files with latitude, longitude,
time dimensions and a single variable. ncdump -h looks like:
netcdf Pds_echam5_20c {
lon = 118 ;
lat = 100 ;
time = 1212 ;
float lon(lon) ;
lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
float lat(lat) ;
lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
float time(time) ;
time:units = "days since 1900-01-01" ;
float Pds(time, lat, lon) ;
Pds:missing_value = -999.99f ;
ArcGIS recognizes that there are 1212 bands, but is unable to
display them.
Eric Salathé
CSES Climate Impacts Group
University of Washington <http://
www.atmos.washington.edu/ ~salathe>
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