Re: overcoming netcdf3 limits

Greg Sjaardema wrote:
John Caron wrote:

Greg Sjaardema wrote:
As a quick answer to the question, we (Sandia Labs) use netcdf
underneath our exodusII
file format for storing finite element results data.

If the mesh contains #nodes nodes and #elements elements, then there
will be a dataset of the size #elements*8*4 (assuming a hex element with
8 nodes, 4 bytes/int) to store the nodal connectivity of each hex
element in a group of elements (element block). Assuming 4GiB, this
limits us to ~134 Million elements per element block (using CDF-2) which
is large, but not enough to give us more than a few months breathing
room.    Using CDF-1 format, we top out at about 30 million elements or
less which is hit routinely.
Im not sure if I understand the problem yet:

In the file you sent me, you use time as the record variable.
Each record variable must be less than 2^32, not counting the record
dimension. So you can have about 2^29 elements, assuming each element
is 8 bytes. And you can have 2^32 time steps.
Yes, but the record variables are currently not the limiting area.
The non-record variables are dimensioned (num_elements, num_nodes).
Number of nodes seems to be 8, and these are ints, so you have 32
bytes * num_elements, so you can have a max of 2^27 elements = 134
million elements.
Yes, this is where we are hitting the limit.
Currently the largest you have is 33000. Do you need more than 2^27 ?
The file I sent was representative.  As I think I mentioned in that
email, we have models ranging in size from 1 element up to 250 million
elements and everything in between.  The header I sent was just to show
how the models are set up, not a model that is the largest we typically
use.  Yes, we definitely need more than 2^27 elements.
I think Im not sure what you mean by "a few months breathing room".
In a few more months if we do not change either the underlying netcdf
limits or the way that our exodusII format is using netcdf, we will have
to tell users that the models they require cannot be stored.

ok, thanks for clarifying that.

do you expect to need more than 2^31 = 2.147 * 10^9 elements ?? that is the usual limit for array indices, and it would be difficult (at least in Java) to read more than that at once. reading sections at a time would be ok.
is there any "natural" way to break up the element array into more than one 

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