The Unidata Program Center is pleased to announce its 2007 Software
Training Workshops, including a full day session on "NetCDF for
Developers" on Friday, July 20, 2007 in Boulder, Colorado. This one
day session for intermediate and advanced developers will include:
* Overview of the netCDF-3 and netCDF-4 data models and architecture
* Description of APIs for various languages
* Generic netCDF utilities
* Best practices for providing data and developing archives
* Conventions for coordinate systems, gridded, and observational data
* Performance tips
* Overview of several visualization and analysis applications
* NetCDF-4 features, performance, compatibility, and guidance on use
The netCDF session will be held at the UCAR Center Green Campus in the
CG1 auditorium, 3080 Center Green Drive. Although not required, we
recommend that you bring a laptop with netCDF installed or with the
ability to access your development environment remotely through ssh,
so you can try some of the exercises.
There is a registration fee of $50 to attend the training workshop,
charged upon acceptance. The registration deadline is Thursday, May
17, 2007.
For more details on travel. lodging, and to reserve a seat through the
registration system, please see
Unidata's training workshops are developed and presented by the
software developers and support staff for each package, so you can be
sure to get your questions answered.
We're looking forward to seeing you in July!
--Ed Hartnett
--Russ Rew
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