RE: Problems setting up netCDF on Windows

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ed Hartnett [mailto:ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 12:55
> To: Kwok, Marcus B.; netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Problems setting up netCDF on Windows
> Try downloading the netCDF snapshot, which has a working set 
> of solution files for Visual Studio 2003. 
> (

Thanks for your response.  Indeed, I did get the software built using
the solution files in the snapshot.  However, I still have the errors
given in my original email:

>> Finally, I got the netCDF-3 daily snapshot (dated 2007-06-20).  I get
>> one Build Error Task, but I think this one seems innocuous since I am
>> not using the Fortran interface (I plan on using the C++ interface):
>> 1.  \netcdf-3.6.2-snapshot2007062014\fortran\fort-control.c(98):
>> C4141: 'dllexport' : used more than once
>> However, when I run nc_test, I get two failures (this also occurred
>> the 3.6.1 distribution as well):
>> Switching to netCDF classic format.
>> *** Testing nc_open ... 
>>      FAILURE at line 101 of
>> \netcdf-3.6.2-snapshot2007062014\nc_test\test_read.c: nc_open of
>> non-netCDF file: status = 2
>>      ### 1 FAILURES TESTING nc_open! ###
>> Switching to 64-bit offset format.
>> *** Testing nc_open ... 
>>      FAILURE at line 101 of
>> \netcdf-3.6.2-snapshot2007062014\nc_test\test_read.c: nc_open of
>> non-netCDF file: status = 2
>>      ### 1 FAILURES TESTING nc_open! ###
>> Will these failures affect my ability to use the netCDF library?  Or
>> I go ahead and use the DLLs that were produced?

Marcus Kwok <marcus.kwok@xxxxxxxxxx>
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, AISD VIA Group
Office: 13-N520
Phone: (443) 778-7858 (Baltimore) or (240) 228-7858 (DC)

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