My name is Christopher. I am new to the netCDF file format and have some
I was given a netCDF file from a colleague and I need to visualize it in
ArcGIS. I have ArcGIS 9.2 and I have created a raster image from the
data. It is available at
http://gis.sis.pitt.edu/temp/chris/netCDF/netCDF.JPG It depicts the O3
data for the netCDF file.
However, I cannot determine the projection or datum of the data. I have
the beginning of the netCDF file at
http://gis.sis.pitt.edu/temp/chris/netCDF/sample.netcdf. Where is the
projection information?
Also, if you look at the image, the coordinate information at the bottom
left (or southwestern) corner indicates the converted netCDF originates
from the origin. Is there any coordinate informtion in the second link
above or is ArcGIS defaulting the conversion to a 0,0 origin? I was told
this data was from the western area of Georgia in the US. However,
nothing indicates this to me in the file?
Again, I am looking for coordinate and
projection information on my file. I am not sure if it exists or not.
Thank you for your time!
Christopher Jon Jursa
Geoinformatics Engineer
Geoinformatics Laboratory
School of Information Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
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