New release of Objective-C wrapper for netCDF

I have released NetcdfStep version 0.5.0. After a stimulating discussion with Thomas Moore who has done something rather similar, I decided that some significant changes were in order.
* Implements netCDF-3.6.2
* Many methods replaced, renamed or redefined to better conform to Objective-C conventions
* Obsolete methods removed
* Much better error checking, handling and reporting
* A few new features
* A buffer overrun vulnerability removed
* Bugs fixed in memory allocation and 64-bit builds
* Many clarifications and corrections in the documentation
* Version 0.5.0 is not backwards compatible with 0.4
* Sample application updated to new API
* Mac OSX version only for now; GNUstep will follow soon.

As before, it provides an object-oriented interface to the full functionality of the netCDF library. The Mac OSX framework is a universal binary that may be installed by drag-and-drop into your Library. Full source code is included under an Apache-1.1-style open source license.

The complete Mac OSX distribution is at NetcdfStep-0.5.0.dmg Read the online documentation at index.html

I welcome your comments.

Mark Tracy

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