[netcdfgroup] Static netcdf libraries compiled for Windows/Fortran77/v2.4 compatibility


I'm wondering if someone out there has compiled Netcdf for Windows for
use with Fortran 77 code and back compatibility to netcdf v. 2.4. 

I'm trying to integrate netcdf output capabilities into Hydroqual's
ECOMSED code and I'm having trouble with the libraries provided (already
compiled) on the Unidata site.

I'm a novice compiler, so I'm not precisely sure what is hanging me up,
but I'm battling the "error LNK2001 (or 2019): unresolved external
symbol _(insert your favorite version 2.4 variable here)_ referenced in
function _putcdf_ (or _tscdf_)"

putcdf.f and tscdf.f are fortran code files written by Hydroqual to
write netcdf data. 

I would appreciate any insight and guidance you might be able to give.

Sarah A. Widing

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