Hi Rafel,
I think that you have to define LALIB location for lapack library in
netcdf makefile, (LALIB = /home/penguen/....)), please first check it
whether you have installed lapack library or not,
I hope that this helps
On Fri, 19 Oct 2007, Rafael Rosolem wrote:
I have been struggling to compile (F90) my model for the last couple of
days without any success. I don't know much about compiling and netcdf
stuff, so I am hoping someone will help me with that.
I installed the netcdf binaries in my home directory and I have included
the path in my Makefile as follows:
# Netcdf
NETCDFINC = /home/penguin/rafael/netcdf-3.6.2/include
NETCDFLIB = /home/penguin/rafael/netcdf-3.6.2/lib
# Includes and Links
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
LINKS = -L$(NETCDFLIB) -lnetcdf -L$(LALIB) -llapack -lblas -lpgmp
I am using Portland FORTRAN pgf90 to compile the code.
I get the following message every time I try to compile it:
pgf90 -v -fast -Minform=inform -L/home/penguin/rafael/netcdf-3.6.2/lib
-lnetcdf -L/usr/local/pgi/linux86/6.1/lib -llapack -lblas -lpgmp
-lpthread kinds.o physical_parameters.o eau_params.o sib_const_module.o
sib_io_module.o sib_bc_module.o sibtype.o timetype.o addinc.o balan.o
dtess_eau.o begtem.o cfrax.o clm_combo.o combine_snow.o compact_snow.o
cycalc.o delef.o delhf.o dellwf.o hydro_canopy.o hydro_snow.o
hydro_soil.o qsat_eau.o ess_eau.o netrad.o phosib.o rada2.o rbrd.o
respsib.o rnload.o soilwater.o sortin.o subdivide_snow.o
tridiag_solver.o vmfcalz.o vmfcalzo.o vntlat.o sibslv.o update.o
resp_control.o sib.o handle_err.o init_grid.o init_var.o zenith.o
init_sibdrv.o time_init.o time_manager.o sibdrv_read_single.o
sibdrv_read_ecmwf.o sibdrv_read_ncep2.o sibdrv_read_geos4.o read_ti.o
mapper.o calculate_td.o read_ndvi.o previous_bc.o rtape_sib.o
diagnostic_output.o pbpwrite.o qpwrite.o output_control.o
sibdrv_interp.o bc_interp.o SiBDRV.o -o SiBD3
/usr/bin/ld /usr/lib/crt1.o /usr/lib/crti.o
/usr/local/pgi/linux86/6.1/lib/f90main.o -m elf_i386 -dynamic-linker
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 /usr/local/pgi/linux86/6.1/lib/pgi.ld
-L/home/penguin/rafael/netcdf-3.6.2/lib -lnetcdf
-L/usr/local/pgi/linux86/6.1/lib -llapack -lblas -lpgmp -lpthread
kinds.o physical_parameters.o eau_params.o sib_const_module.o
sib_io_module.o sib_bc_module.o sibtype.o timetype.o addinc.o balan.o
dtess_eau.o begtem.o cfrax.o clm_combo.o combine_snow.o compact_snow.o
cycalc.o delef.o delhf.o dellwf.o hydro_canopy.o hydro_snow.o
hydro_soil.o qsat_eau.o ess_eau.o netrad.o phosib.o rada2.o rbrd.o
respsib.o rnload.o soilwater.o sortin.o subdivide_snow.o
tridiag_solver.o vmfcalz.o vmfcalzo.o vntlat.o sibslv.o update.o
resp_control.o sib.o handle_err.o init_grid.o init_var.o zenith.o
init_sibdrv.o time_init.o time_manager.o sibdrv_read_single.o
sibdrv_read_ecmwf.o sibdrv_read_ncep2.o sibdrv_read_geos4.o read_ti.o
mapper.o calculate_td.o read_ndvi.o previous_bc.o rtape_sib.o
diagnostic_output.o pbpwrite.o qpwrite.o output_control.o
sibdrv_interp.o bc_interp.o SiBDRV.o -o SiBD3
-L/usr/local/pgi/linux86/6.1/lib -L/usr/lib
-L/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.3.3/ -rpath
/usr/local/pgi/linux86/6.1/lib -lpgf90 -lpgf90_rpm1 -lpgf902 -lpgf90rtl
-lpgftnrtl -lpgsse1 -lc -lnspgc -lpgc -lm -lgcc -lc -lgcc
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.3.3//crtend.o /usr/lib/crtn.o
sibslv.o(.text+0xad0): In function `sibslv_':
: undefined reference to `dgesv_'
handle_err.o(.text+0xcb): In function `handle_err_':
: undefined reference to `nf90_strerror_'
init_grid.o(.text+0x1f4b): In function `init_grid_':
: undefined reference to `nf90_open_'
[the list of 'undefined reference' extends infinitely up to the point below]
cleaning up after signal(2)...
gmake: *** Deleting file `SiBD3'
gmake: *** [SiBD3] Error 127
I apologize if this is something really simple to solve but I hope some
of you could give me a hint on how to solve this problem. I am happy to
provide any additional information as required.
Thank you,
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Graduate Research Assistant in Center for Fluid Mechanics,
Brown University