Hi Russ,
Nope, I've tried explicitly adding the path in the file, and putting
the directory on the compile line - makes no difference.
Now trying Roy's second suggestion..
On 6 Nov 2007, at 16:51, Russ Rew wrote:
[lea:Working/programs/netcdf_sandbox] ianharri% f77 -o simple_xy_wr
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
I think the problem is you aren't telling f77 (or whatever Fortran
compiler you are using) where to find the netCDF include files or
libraries. For example, if they are installed by fink in /sw/include
and /sw/lib, you have to specify that on the command line, such as:
f77 -o simple_xy_wr -I/sw/include simple_xy_wr.f -L/sw/lib -lnetcdf
or it they're installed in /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib, then
you need to use something like:
f77 -o simple_xy_wr -I/usr/local/include simple_xy_wr.f -L/usr/
local/lib -lnetcdf
Where the include files and libraries get installed depends on what
specified using --prefix=WHEREVER on the command line of the configure
script if you are building from source. The default with version
is /usr/local/. I think the default with fink is /sw.
We know netCDF 3.6.2 works fine "out of the box" for Mac OS X
10.4. The
output from the configure script, and the "make check install" step is
Ian "Harry" Harris
Climatic Research Unit
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom