Hi all,
It seems that using netcdf4 API with hdf5 files I have the following
If a dimension is defined in the output file -- then a variable of the
same name as the dimension defined in output MUST have a single dim
which is the same name a the defined dimension. This is not the case
with netcdf3.
what I am saying is that the defined var is OK as a co-ordinate var but
not anything else
The below script illustrates the problem:
defdim("a",2); // dim *"a=2"* defined in output
defdim("b",3); // dim *"b=3"* defined in output
defdim("c",4); // dim *"c=3"* defined in output
a[$a,$b]=10.0; // variable "a" defined as "*double a[a,b];*"
works in netcdf3 but NOT netcdf4
c[$c]=20.0 // variable "c" defined as "*double c[c];"
*works in metcdf3 and netcdf4* *
Regards Henry