Re: [netcdfgroup] g77, g95, netcdf-g95 on mac

Use whatever is he option that suppresses adding an underscore to subroutine names.
-Roy M.

On Jan 26, 2008, at 6:16 AM, Felipe Pimenta wrote:


I currently upgraded the netcdf of my mac power pc OS X 10.4.11 to
netcdf-g95 using fink (I will have to work with g95 in a near future).

However, a code that I used to run on g77 with netcdf not is not
compiling anymore. I've changed the library file path inside the
fortran subroutine to:

include '/sw/lib/netcdf-g95/include/'

but the following problem occurs:

g77 -O5  -o pom.exe pom2k.f areas_masks.o advave.o advq.o advt1.o
advt2.o advct.o advu.o advv.o baropg.o bcond.o bcondorl.o box.o dens.o
depth.o file2ic.o findpsi.o printall.o profq.o proft.o profu.o profv.o
prxy.o prxyz.o prxz.o pryz.o seamount.o slpmax.o smol_adif.o vertvl.o
def_var_netcdf.o handle_netcdf_error.o write_netcdf.o
-L/sw/lib/libnetcdf.a -lnetcdf
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [pom.exe] Error 1

I also tried to compile the code with g95, without success. Does
anybody have any suggestions?

Thanks a lot,

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