I compile simple_xy_rd.f (copied from netcdf-3.6.2/examples/F77 to my
home dir) by typing:
f77 simple_xy_rd.f -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf
The error info I got is:
Error: Undefined symbol: .nf_open
Error: Undefined symbol: .nf_strerror
Error: Undefined symbol: .nf_inq_varid
Error: Undefined symbol: .nf_get_var_int
Error: Undefined symbol: .nf_close
I check the file netcdf.inc. it is under /usr/local/include.
And libnetcdf.a is under /usr/local/lib.
The netcdf version is netcdf-3.6.2. It is installed at the AIX system I
am working on.
Any suggestion for fixing the compilation errors?