The netCDF operators NCO version 3.9.6 are ready. (Homepage) (Homepage "mirror")
This version fixes a nasty bug introduced in NCO version 3.9.5
that caused threaded arithmetic operators, e.g., ncea/ncra, to
produce incorrect results under some conditions:
If you have 3.9.5, upgrading to 3.9.6 is highly recommended!
NSF funding for NCO expired 20080831 so development has slowed.
So we announce with some pleasure that 3.9.6 contains a major new
feature: integration with the GNU Scientific Library (GSL).
GSL performs fast and accurate computations of many
mathematical/physics equations:
ncap2 -s 'foo=gsl_sf_gamma_inc(time/10,time);'
A. Fix threading bug introduced in 3.9.5 (upgrade recommended)
B. ncap2 supports dozens of GNU Scientific library functions, e.g.,
incomplete gamma functions, Bessel functions, Legendre polynomials:
ncap2 -s 'foo=gsl_sf_gamma_inc(time/10,time);'
C. ncap2 supports #include files, syntax is #include "pi.nco"
D. ncatted matches regular expressions to variable names
E. ncatted workaround for netCDF4 _FillValue (Henry Butowsky)
ncatted can now change _FillValue on netCDF4 files
F. Disable OpenMP on netCDF4/HDF5-enabled operators
It is too difficult for the NCO "configure" apparatus to determine
whether the underlying libraries (HDF5, netCDF4) support OpenMP.
So, for now, we assume they do not.
G. Fix Solaris configure problem with _POSIX_SOURCE
H. ncra does not attempt to average record variables of type NC_CHAR
I. CF-convention "coordinates" attribute strings with excessive
whitespace work
J. ncap2 correctly propagates missing values through expressions with
constant operands
K. Pre-built Debian Sid & Ubuntu Hardy packages are available.
L. Pre-built RPM packages are available.
M. Find/add NCO tips and tricks on the NCO Wiki (thanks to Tom Roche):
N. Did you try SWAMP (Script Workflow Analysis for MultiProcessing)?
SWAMP efficiently schedules and executes NCO scripts on remote servers:
SWAMP can work command-line operator analysis scripts besides NCO.
If you must transfer lots of data from a server to your client
before you analyze it, then SWAMP may speed things up.
Try SWAMP give us your feedback.
O. Reminder: NCO support for netCDF4 features is tracked at
NCO currently supports netCDF4 atomic data types and compression.
NCO 3.9.6 with netCDF4 support should work with HDF5 1.8.1
and netCDF4 final and newer.
export NETCDF4_ROOT=/usr/local/netcdf4 # Set netCDF4 location
cd ~/nco;./configure --enable-netcdf4 # Configure mechanism -or-
cd ~/nco/bld;./make NETCDF4=Y allinone # Old Makefile mechanism
Charlie Zender, Department of Earth System Science
University of California, Irvine (949) 824-2987 :)