[netcdfgroup] fortran 77 users unite! All you have to lose are your common blocks!

Howdy all!

Are there any netCDF library users out there who are still using a
Fortran 77 compiler? Or is everyone using an F90 or F03 compiler?

(If you are using intel fortran, portland group fortran, gfortran, or
g95, those are all Fortran 90/Fortran 2003 compilers.)

Is anyone still using an F77-only compiler, like g77?

Note that I am not asking about the netCDF F77 API, I am asking about
your compiler. F77 API code works just fine in F90 compilers. And we
all know that there are many existing applications in the F77 API that
are not going away. ;-)


Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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