Dear Sirs,
I write you illustrating my problem and hoping you can help me in order =
to solve it.
The problem is the following (apparently, very simple):
<<< I need to display a map of a TRIANGULAR FINITE ELEMENT MESH stored =
in Netcdf file. Can be possible using your software to visualize it? >>>
I try to explain clearly what I have done to build up the TRIANGULAR =
I have built a netcdf file (see below) with a unstructured grid =
(triangular mesh) following some example (FVCOM, QUODDY, etc.). The =
files' structure is more or less the same. Apparently, at the end of my =
work I have set up a normal Tin file (file of a triangular mesh) in =
Netcdf format.
At this point, I have tried to use NcBrowse and Panolopy softwares to =
visualize the mesh but it has been impossible. Let's take note that, at =
the contrary, the same programs worked normally with a regular grid =
representing the same variables.
Can you say me if your software is able to do visualize a TRIANGULAR =
FINITE ELEMENT MESH as mine? Or, can you give me the exact structure =
that I have to follow to create a TRIANGULAR FINITE ELEMENT MESH Netcdf =
file workable with your program (general standard).
If the answer to my question is positive I could be really interested to =
At your disposal for any further question and clarification.
Thanks very much
Matteo Previdi
Corso Milano 9 Verona
NetCDF file "MESH"=20
netcdf file:/C:/ModMef/MefOut/zirino3/MESH {
Asse_X =3D 14429;
Asse_Y =3D 14429;
Asse_Z =3D 14429;
Node =3D 14429;
Cells =3D 25319;
nNbd =3D 3722;
Nbi =3D 4;
Connections =3D 3;
Time =3D UNLIMITED; // (2 currently) // (has coord.var)
float Asse_X(Node=3D14429);
:standard_name =3D "Asse_X";
:units =3D "degrees_east";
:mesh =3D "Mesh";
:actual_range =3D 12.131293f, 12.580233f; // float
float Asse_Y(Node=3D14429);
:standard_name =3D "Asse_Y";
:units =3D "degrees_north";
:mesh =3D "Mesh";
:actual_range =3D 45.110603f, 45.496544f; // float
float Asse_Z(Node=3D14429);
:standard_name =3D "Asse_Z";
:units =3D "[m]";
:mesh =3D "Mesh";
:actual_range =3D -1.0f, 34.57f; // float
int Mesh(Connections=3D3, Cells=3D25319);
:X_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_X";
:Y_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_Y";
:Z_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_Z";
:standard_name =3D "cell_connectivity_indices";
:spatial_dimension =3D "3";
:topological_dimension =3D "2";
:cell_type =3D "NC_TRI";
:units =3D "index_start_1";
int nNbd(nNbd=3D3722, Nbi=3D4);
:long_name =3D "Boundary_Segment_Node_List";
:units =3D "index_start_1";
float REL(Time=3D2, Node=3D14429);
:units =3D "[m]";
:X_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_X";
:Y_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_Y";
:grid =3D "Mesh";
:grid_location =3D "Edges";
:positive =3D "Down";
:long_name =3D "Bathymetry";
:actual_range =3D -34.57f, 1.117f; // float
float H(Time=3D2, Node=3D14429);
:units =3D "[m]";
:X_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_X";
:Y_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_Y";
:grid =3D "Mesh";
:grid_location =3D "Edges";
:actual_range =3D -0.47f, 1.009f; // float
float 0001(Time=3D2, Node=3D14429);
:units =3D "[u.i./m2]";
:X_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_X";
:Y_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_Y";
:grid =3D "Mesh";
:grid_location =3D "Edges";
:actual_range =3D -0.47f, 1141.3494f; // float
float U(Time=3D2, Node=3D14429);
:units =3D "[m/s]";
:X_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_X";
:Y_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_Y";
:grid =3D "Mesh";
:grid_location =3D "Edges";
:long_name =3D "Northward Water Velocity";
:actual_range =3D -1.314f, 341.87106f; // float
float V(Time=3D2, Node=3D14429);
:units =3D "[m/s]";
:X_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_X";
:Y_nodal_coordinate =3D "Asse_Y";
:grid =3D "Mesh";
:grid_location =3D "Edges";
:long_name =3D "Eastward Water Velocity";
:actual_range =3D -1.4745f, 1.8604f; // float
double Time(Time=3D2);
:standard_name =3D "Time";
:units =3D "hours since 1-1-1 00:00:00.0";
:actual_range =3D 1.756944E7f, 1.7569442E7f; // float
:Data_Simulazione =3D "2005-04-23 00:00:00.00 +00:00";
:delta_t =3D "0000-00-00 01:00:00.00 +00:00";
:n_time_step =3D " 2";
:_CoordinateAxisType =3D "Time";
:Conventions =3D "COARDS";
:Lib_ver =3D 10101; // int
:Description =3D "NetCdf";
:Model =3D "Sml by CREA Srl";
:History =3D "Converted from c:\ModMef\MefOut\zirino3\zirino3_7.smh to =
:Creation_Time =3D "11 2 2009 H (system local time)";