Karsten Bolding wrote:
Hi Dave
On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:06:09 -0600, Dave Allured wrote:
That function has five arguments. Your function call has six arguments.
I believe this will cause that exact error message.
You are right I should have checked that.
I actually find it a pitty that there is a difference between the F77
and F90 argument list for this function.
I used to allocate and array like:
integer :: dims(4)
that could be re-used like:
dims(1) = lon_dim
iret = nf_def_var(ncid,'lon',NF_REAL,1,dims,lon_id)
dims(1) = lon_dim
dims(2) = lat_dim
dims(3) = time_dim
iret = nf_def_var(ncid,'sst',NF_REAL,3,dims, sst_id)
call check_err(iret)
i.e. the number of dimensiosn for a specific variable is given
explicitly and not determined by the size of the dimids vector.
Instead I now have to do like:
integer :: dims_3(3)
integer :: dims_4(4)
Well, if you still want to use the f77 interface, why not do,
integer :: dims(4), n_dims
n_dims = 1
dims(1) = lon_dim
iret = nf_def_var(ncid,'lon',NF_REAL,n_dims,dims(1:n_dims),lon_id)
n_dims = 3
dims(1) = lon_dim
dims(2) = lat_dim
dims(3) = time_dim
iret = nf_def_var(ncid,'sst',NF_REAL,n_dims,dims(1:n_dims), sst_id)
Does that classify as reuse? I would prefer the latter style anyway since the code is more
"self-documenting". Overall the f90 interface is superior since it does away with the need
for the redundant "n_dims" argument,
integer :: dims(4), n_dims
n_dims = 1
dims(1) = lon_dim
iret = nf90_def_var(ncid,'lon',NF90_FLOAT,dims(1:n_dims),lon_id)
n_dims = 3
dims(1) = lon_dim
dims(2) = lat_dim
dims(3) = time_dim
iret = nf90_def_var(ncid,'sst',NF90_FLOAT,dims(1:n_dims), sst_id)
But, in the end, it's the same dog just a different leg, right? :o)