Re: [netcdfgroup] Fortran90 interface

Karsten Bolding wrote:
Hi Dave

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 11:06:09 -0600, Dave Allured wrote:

That function has five arguments. Your function call has six arguments. I believe this will cause that exact error message.

You are right I should have checked that.

I actually find it a pitty that there is a difference between the F77
and F90 argument list for this function.

I started using the F90 interface several years ago. I soon got used to it and decided it was superior to the F77 interface in several ways. Most significant is combining many obscure function call types into single generic functions.

I used to allocate and array like:
integer :: dims(4)

that could be re-used like:
dims(1) = lon_dim
iret = nf_def_var(ncid,'lon',NF_REAL,1,dims,lon_id)

dims(1) = lon_dim
dims(2) = lat_dim
dims(3) = time_dim
iret = nf_def_var(ncid,'sst',NF_REAL,3,dims, sst_id)
call check_err(iret)

i.e. the number of dimensiosn for a specific variable is given
explicitly and not determined by the size of the dimids vector.

Instead I now have to do like:
integer :: dims_3(3)
integer :: dims_4(4)

That's not too bad. Frequently I use things like dims_sst, dims_precip, etc. This does not usually overload memory. <g>

Alternatively you could try this. The arg list is only slightly longer than the F77 args. The dim number is merely transposed into the range expression.

iret = nf90_def_var(ncid,'sst',NF90_FLOAT, dims(1:3), sst_id)


This is a Fortran 90 thing. When a generic interface is used, any mismatch in number of arguments, arg type, or dimensionality can trigger a "no matching specific function" error.

Dave Allured
CU/CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center (CDC)
NOAA/ESRL/PSD, Climate Analysis Branch (CAB)


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