[netcdfgroup] Fimex, a C++ library for File Interpolation, Manipulation, and EXtraction


Fimex is a recent addition to the list of "Software for Manipulating or
Displaying NetCDF Data" that we maintain at


Heiko Klein (Norwegian Meteorological Institute) has developed the fimex
(File Interpolation, Manipulation, and EXtraction) C++ library for
gridded geospatial data.  It converts between several data formats
(currently netCDF, NcML, GRIB1 or GRIB2, and felt).  Fimex also enables
you to change the projection and interpolation of scalar and vector
grids, to subset the gridded data, and to extract only parts of the
files.  Fimex supports a growing list of other features

including support for most NcML features and for netCDF-4 compression.

For simple usage, Fimex also comes with the command line program "fimex".

Documentation and downloads are available from the fimex web site:


Thanks to Dr. Klein for making this software available to the netCDF


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