[netcdfgroup] netcdf DAP support: round 2....

The current netcdf daily snapshot
contains a revised version of the dap support
for netcdf.  It is enabled using --enable-dap
and requires libcurl.

For those brave enough to try it, I am specifically looking
for the following:
1. configuration failures
2. execution failures (e.g. seg faults)
3. inconsistencies with the libnc-dap implementation
4. performance problems vis-a-vis the libnc-dap implementation.

An important note. This version has a logging facility that can
sometimes give important information. To turn it on in, say,
the sh shell use:
which will turn on logging and send it to stderr.
Alternatively use
  OCLOGFILE="filename.log"; export OCLOGFILE
to append log output to a file named filename.log
(or whatever you choose).
If you report and error, it can sometimes help if you send along
this logfile output.

=Dennis Heimbigner

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