You would need to have
start = (/ 1, 1, 1, is, it/)
Or just write the whole thing and eliminate is:
do it = 1,tstep
count = (/NCOLS, NROWS, NLAYS, Nspecies, 1/)
start = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, it/)
call nc_check(nf90_put_var( &
chk_ncid, &
nc_data_varid, &
data, &
start=start, &
count=count ) ) end do
Is there a reason not to split the Nspecies into separate variables,
each with dims of (Ncols,Nrows,Nlays) (except for being more work to
set up)? The separate data become more accessible that way.
-- Ted
On Jul 29, 2009, at 3:58 PM, H.Dang wrote:
I need to write a portion of data to a netCDF file after every
timestep. The code that I write is like this:
real data(Ncols,Nrows,Nlays,Nspecies)
integer :: start(5),count(5)
do it = 1,tstep
do is = 7,Nspecies
count = (/NCOLS, NROWS, NLAYS, 1, 1/)
start = (/ 1, 1, 1, 1, it/)
call nc_check(nf90_put_var( &
chk_ncid, &
nc_data_varid, &
data(:,:,:,is), &
start=start, &
count=count ) )
end do
end do
I was just wondering how should I set "count", is "count = (/NCOLS,
NROWS, NLAYS, 1, 1/)" okay or not? especially the last two entries,
can I set them both as "1"?
Thank you!
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